Higher Power

submitted by Huzzaz on 11/28/24 1

When a storm causes a citywide blackout, a scrap collector sees an opportunity that could turn his luck around. Starring - Kevin Conway Directed and Edited by Kurt Andrew Schneider Written by Reef Oldberg & Kurt Andrew Schneider Executive Producers - Taj Critchlow & Fuliane Petikyan Produced by Reef Oldberg, Faylyn Johnson & Kurt Andrew Schneider Cinematographer & Co-Producer - Sam Davis Production Designer - Ryann Kearney Original Score by David Chapdelaine 1st AC - Jeff Vanderpool 2nd AC/Loader - Jonathan Patterson Boom Operator and Mixer - Andre Bottesi Gaffer - Dave St. George Key Grip - Blake Brown PA - Maverick Kelly & Caleb Joye BTS Photographer - Sydney Jordan Colorist - Sam Gilling VFX - Esteban Malean & Ben Webber Sound Design - Gabe Sayre Title & Credit Design - Louis Celano Closing Theme - “River of Youth” by Colyer Special Thanks: Karis Schneider Rick and Kathy Schneider Rick Rice Ken Schutt Kimmel Scrap Fela Stratton Camera Kodak Atlanta Rayka Zehtabchi Craigslist

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